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The Hope Fuelled

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We are the Hopefuelled.

This devotional blog has been created by Canterbury Christian Schools' Work Trust to encourage and equip the youth of Canterbury in their faith. Our aim is to fuel you with hope that empowers the good times and strengthens times when life feels tougher. We continue to pray for you and believe that God has prepared opportunities for you to fuel hope in your schools, community and home.        

You are the HopeFuelled.

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Roots and Fruits

When did you first hear about Jesus?

In the last post we looked at how at the point of salvation we enter God's Kingdom. We are given a new identity. Paul describe it in his letter to the Corinthians as new creation. We are now alive in him - but like most other parts of natural creation, he calls us to grow. The moment a seed comes to life it begins to reach up to light! We should be the same - always reaching to the light, always growing - it is a life long process. A tree shouldn't stay hidden in the ground, and nor should you. God's kingdom is always growing.

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you

Colossians 1:3

"When life gives you lemons" We start fuelled by hope, but suddenly it all feels sour. We want our friends to believe but they are dismissive. We start meeting with other Christians in school but we feel like a small group.

Read Colossians 1:3-14

"Make Lemonade"

Verse 6 is lemonade!* You are part of something global and the gospel is advancing. You are bearing fruit.

Keep praying for your friends! Keep praying for the gospel around the world! Keep praising Him that he has made you like a seed that will grow in to a tree and will bear fruit.

More Lemonade

In verse 10 Paul talks about walking in a manner worthy. This means walking as saints! Allowing hope and grace and peace to fuel your days! As you grow to be more like Jesus, you may not know it but you can take heart that you are bearing fruit in every good work!

This is why we pray for you, this is why we are thankful for you. This is why we ask that you "may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;"

Make a list of your Christian friends or group and take time each day to thank God for them - maybe even encourage them with a text or a message!

*Just in case you are interested that phrase actually originated from a christian writer


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